Thursday, October 30, 2008

PIQ.......yes there are more

If I remember right this is the angel telling the Virgin Mary that she will have Jesus. It look like a old painting from long, long ago.Close up of the quilting on Mary.
Beautiful crazy quilt.
Close up of the lace and stitching.
A row of houses in the middle of a white background.....wonderful quilting.
A old woody.....sitting on the beach.
Here is another quilt that looks like an old master.......unbelievable.
Using fabric like you would paint.
Simple black lines on a off white background.
The quilting shows movement.
Scrappy squares......what an allusion.
The quilter must have used up lot of her scraps in this quilt.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back to pictures of PIQ

Here is a quilt of a lady with her quilt on her lap. Very nice quilt and the quilt is 3D.This has to be the longest quilt I've ever'd have to have a very long blank wall to hang this on. I couldn't get the whole quilt in my picture.....there is more on the right side.
Koi fish in a pond......beautiful.
A close up of one of the fish and the quilting.
Children playing on the beach in the sand.
Look how the quilter made the faces and the beautiful quilting.
Colorful dogs......very cool.
A nice place to sit and have a cup of tea.
A close up of the table and chair and the cups and goodies on the table.
Enjoy.....enjoy.....I still have more pictures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Week To Go To A New President.....VOTE !!!!!

I was in Old Tyme Pastries over a week ago and what did I see but cookies with Obama's face on them and cookies with McCain's face on them. So I bought a couple to show the guys at work. I really like this cookie.......good likeness......good cookie. Hopefully the next President of the United States.Here is McCain's cookie.......looks tasted good.
I really don't care who you vote for.....just make sure you vote......I have voted in every election since I was old enought to vote.....and as I say....if you don't vote you can't complain about who's in office.....and heavens knows I've been doing a lot of complaining the last eight years. I voted a couple of weeks ago after I received my mail in I can't wait till November 4th to see who's going to be voted into office.

Monday, October 27, 2008

PIQ.....not done yet

Yes can you believe it......I still have more pictures from Pacific International. The picture below is a beautiful wine country scene. Looks like the old country to me.Close up of the grapes.....look at that detail.
Fireworks......done in fabric.
I don't know what that is at the bottom of this qult.....but the dragonflys are cool.
The volcano is about to go off in this quilt.....look at that quilting.
Two cranes in this quilt......beautiful.
I didn't get a picture of whole quilt on this one.....but I did get two pictures of the detail. Look at the little guy with the horns on his hat on the left.
Look at the quilting on the left side.
Big beautiful flowers.....look at all those buds.
The quilting and detail here.
The reminds me of a almond tree in full bloom.....or could be a peach.
Close up of the tree.
There are still more pictures you have not seen.......

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sensational Seminole and Brilliant Borders by Nancy Tiffany

Yesterday's workshop was so much fun. Nancy Tiffany came and taught us about Seminole piecing. I didn't know too much about Seminole piecing but now that I do and know how to sew it....I will try and use it in my quilts.

Here is Nancy sitting in front of the teachers table with her sample quilts draped across the table.
One of Nancy's sample boards showing different Seminole piecing.
The second board with even more samples......beautiful.
Nancy showing us how to cut our strips and how to sew them.
How to position the ruler....lots of good demoing going on.
Close up of one of Nancy's sample the black background...this quilt really pops.
Another one of Nancy's quilts.
Everyone in the class worked hard and got lots of sewing done.
This is called flip flop......this is my fabric and strip.
Medallion strip it is also called Letter you see the letter I?
Love this's called Tumbling Fish.
These were made by Ginny and pined to the wall........she used batiks.
Here are Rosemary's samples......she sued fall colors......really the orange.
Wonderful class.....I'm so glad Nancy came to teach us about Seminole piecing.....I learned so much.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hole In The Roll Class

On Friday night I took a class at Lady Bug Quilts in Manteca taught by was a very fun class and I got lots done on my quilt. Here is Dianah talking to us as class began. This quilt is made using a Bali pop or Jelly roll.Dianah is demoing how to cut our 2 1/2 strips.
Here is my Bali pop strips all stacked and ready to be cut.
It is very important how and in what order you sew your sub cuts together.
My stack of fabric.
Sewing my stacks of fabric together.
Chain piecing lots and lots of pieces of fabric.

These blocks are all sewn together before I went home.
Finished blocks aranged so you can see how the quilt is going to look.
I really liked this four hours I cut out the strips, then sewed most of the blocks together. I really like making quilts with 2 1/2 inch strips because of the cool quilts you can make.